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Ongoing Projects (2020)


Conservation of Endangered Species in Nialama: AGEDD is working with 6 villages in and around Nialama park to preserve endangered tree species that are edible to endangered animals, mainly chimpanzees. Funding received from Global GreenGrants Fund and Arcus Foundation is being used to establish and maintain community and school tree nurseries made of Adansonia, Saba, Parkia, Uvaria, and many other native species. Our fieldworkers, assisted by 4 interns working closely with community leaders and forest monitoring committee members will transplant these seedlings in Nialama reserve by this summer.


Sustainable Fish farming: ONG AGEDD is installing a fish pond in Maferinyah for conservation education and improved livelihoods. African catfish will be grown in this pond and fishermen will be introduced to both conservation techniques and basic fish farming business practices. It is expected that this project contributes to stopping illegal and over-fishing in the area and to promoting sustainable practices in the area.


Gardening for seed collection and training: ONG AGEDD installed a vegetable seed production plot in Maferinyah and is training interns and local producers in sustainable gardening practices. More than 15000 seedlings will be distributed to growers and cooperatives and AGEDD will monitor and assess their performance. Beneficiaries will be invited to visit our plot and supported to distribute those seeds and sell their products. They will be specially trained on seasonal calendar, technical itineraries, basic accounting and other sustainable gardening practices.


Beekeeping for Livelihoods and Conservation: With funding by the Austria Embassy in Senegal two community projects are being implemented in this sector. The first one in Maferinyah (Forecariah) was launched in 2013 and is being used to train beekeepers in establishment and maintenance of apiaries and in sustainable harvesting of honey.  On a regular basis, pure honey is being produced and sold as well as its by-products (mainly soap and wax). The second project was was initiated in 2018 in the villages of Konkoure (Mamou) and Tindo (in Faranah). Sixteen hives are installed and are being monitored by local people trained by AGEDD in these villages. AGEDD is promoting reforestation using fast growing and native tree species to sustain these projects.


Trees for Education, Reforestation and Restoration (TERRE): Using own funding, AGEDD is implementing this project since 2013 in some primary schools across Maferinyah. Tree nurseries are being established as well as wild saplings being transplanted in school compounds and students being educated in environmental management. These students have being assisted in establishing and running their own associations, planning their activities and are being provided with supplies to sustain their reforestation initiatives.


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